How to Manage Address Labels

How to Manage Address Labels

NODE40 allows users to label their wallet addresses both upon import, as well as any time after. Additionally, the platform allows the user to add a custom label to any address their wallet(s) have interacted with. Labels make it easier to recognize an address when it appears in a transaction.

Once labeled, long address strings will instead show the label name assigned to the wallet. This document will go over how to manage those labels, as well as how to assign labels in bulk using a file upload.

Method 1: Managing Labels Via Timeline or Ledgers

Below is an example of what a wallet looks like in Timeline that has been given a label.

Labels can be assigned right from Timeline or Ledgers simply by locating the address you would like to name, hovering over it and clicking on “edit” (as shown below), and entering a label. This will change from displaying the long address string and instead show you custom label entered, each instance that specific address appears in your transaction activity. Additionally, transactions may be filtered by address label by using the “Address” filter in timeline.

Method 2: Managing Labels Via the Settings Page

  1. Navigate to your settings page (click on the person icon in the top right hand corner of your screen and click on “Settings”)

    2. Click on “View Address Labels

    3. In this area, you can manually add new address labels. Additionally, if you have multiple addresses and labels to manage, you may also utilize the bulk upload feature. Simply click on “Bulk Upload Labels” and generate our address label template.

    4. Once you’ve clicked “Generate Template,” after a few seconds an automatically-generated .csv file containing a list of all of the addresses you either control or have interacted with will be available for download. Simply customize the labels as needed and upload the updated (.csv) file in the same area.