Guide to Creating a BitGo Access Token

Guide to Creating a BitGo Access Token

The BitGo Access Token works as an API that once imported into NODE40, will let you track your balances and past transactions. The term Access Token refers to an API Key.

  1. Log into your BitGo account then click on your name in the upper right corner of the page and choose Account Settings.

  2. From the My Account page, click Developer Options. You should see a page similar to the one below.

  3. Click the Plus Sign (+) next to Access Tokens and enter the following information:

  • For Token Label, enter NODE40;

  • for Duration (seconds) leave the default, which is 10 years;

  • for IP address(es) allowed:
    Enter the following NODE40 trusted IPs:
  • Ignore the Lifetime spending limit because the token you will create will not have permissions to spend anything (it is READ-ONLY); for Permissions, uncheck all boxes except for View.

*For your own security and safety, NODE40 will reject access tokens that are given more permissions than necessary. A sample form can be seen below.


4. After you click Add Access Token, the following screen will display the access token. Save this token somewhere safe. Once you click I have saved this token, it will disappear from the screen and there is no way to retrieve it. If you lose a record of your token, you must delete it and create a new following the steps above.

A sample token creation result can be seen below.

  1. Once your BitGo access token has been created, copy/paste it into the “Wallet Token” box in your NODE40 account, click “Add Source” and the upload will begin.


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