How to Generate and Add a Gemini API Key to NODE40 Balance

You can connect your Gemini account to NODE40 account directly to let NODE40 automatically import your deposit, trade, and withdrawal history. You do this by creating an API key from within your Gemini account and then providing that API key to your NODE40 account.

NOTE: NODE40 will reject any API key that has been given permissions other than to view your activity. This is so you do not accidentally provide NODE40 with a key that can make trades or withdraw your currency on your behalf.


Step 1: Log into your Gemini account and navigate to Account (upper right) then click on Settings.

 Step 2: Scroll down to API (left side of page). See the screenshot to the right ->  

Step 3: Click Create API Key (you may be prompted to enter your two-factor code if you have it enabled) and choose Primary from the Scope drop down. Click Next. See screenshot below.


NODE40 will not accept a Master API key.

Step 4: Name your key (ex: NODE40), then select the “Auditor” box under API Key settings, then scroll down and click “Create API Key.”

Auditor Access, also referred to as READ-only access, allows NODE40 to view your activity but do nothing more.


On the next screen, copy your API Key and API Secret (keep them safe!).


Step 5: Click Confirm in Gemini and then Enter your keys into NODE40 when prompted.