How to Generate a READ-ONLY Fireblocks API Key

NODE40 currently has a native integration enabling users to import transactions into their Portfolio from Fireblocks Vaults only. If you require support for additional Fireblocks products, please reach out to for assistance.

Fireblocks utilizes a secure process for API creation. Please refer to this official Fireblocks help document to enable your Fireblocks account for API use:

  • Under API Key Creation, be sure to select the API Key Type: Viewer / Role: View-Only

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  1. Once your API key has been successfully created following all the steps listed in the official Fireblocks API documentation, you may copy and paste it directly into your NODE40 Source screen as pictured below.

Be sure to include the -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END PRIVATE KEY-----  at the beginning and end of your keys when entering them into NODE40 Balance.

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  1. Click “Save” in NODE40.

    1. If you have multiple vaults within your Fireblocks account, you will be prompted to select which of those Vaults you would like added to your NODE40 portfolio.

    2. Once selected, click the blue “Add Source” button and your import should begin processing.

If you have any questions, please reach out to for assistance. We are always here to help!