How to Download Your Poloniex Transaction History and Upload it to NODE40 Balance

In order to add a Poloniex Exchange ledger, you must first download your transaction history from your Poloniex account. Your complete history is made up of 3 separate files: Deposit History, Trade History and Withdrawal History

Log-in to

Download Deposit & Withdrawal History files

Click on Balances > History


Click "Export Complete Deposit History"


Scroll down to the next section and click "Export Complete Withdrawal History"

Download Trade History file

Click Orders > My trade history and analysis

Click the "Export History" button

Select history type (in this case it is "trade") and input your date range. Then click "download".

You should now have 3 separate files. Now you are ready to Upload your transaction data to create a new Poloniex exchange ledger.

Drag and Drop or browse and select each of the three files from Poloniex

Once you add your files, you will see the files names and sizes.

  1. Click UPLOAD and your data will upload to NODE40.