Log into your Coinbase.Exchange Account
On the left hand side you will see an option to click on API Management.
Once in the API area, click + New API Key
Select only “View” (any other permissions selected will cause the API key to be rejected by NODE40)Click Create API
Copy the “passphrase” to your clipboard.
Navigate to your NODE40 Portfolio and click +New Source, and select the Coinbase Pro option (yes, even though this is for Coinbase.Exchange).
Paste the passphrase into the appropriate box in the credentials NODE40. Then navigate back to your Coinbase account and click Create API.
Copy the credential provided by Coinbase.Exchange once you click “create API” and paste into the boxes on NODE40 and click save:box on NODE40 called “Secret Key”. Once you’ve pasted in the secret key and cleared the box in Coinbase, you will have to refer back to the newly-created API key in Coinbase to retrieve the “API Key”. Copy this and paste it into the “API Key” spot in NODE40 and click the blue “Save” button.